Eliminate conflicts in the home.
Parents often seek help in order to gain a sense of peace, harmony, and equilibrium in the home. Whether trapped in unexpected life circumstances or an ineffective parenting style, parents long to find order and love amidst what may seem like utter chaos! Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but a means by which we drive at that goal." Parent & Family Life Coaching is about helping parents and families find equilibrium and develop peaceful relationships in order to move as a family onto greater goals and a mission together.
Accomplish greater goals.
How did you once envision your life? Do you have dreams and goals that seem more and more unattainable? How about getting your life completely organized or conquering the regular morning battles before school? How about being the most time-effective and loving single parent you can be or discovering your family's love language? In listening to your situation and hopes and through offering practical tools, coaching will help you discover what you value and turn desires into goals and goals into realities for a life well-lived with the end in mind.
Conquer parenting challenges.
You could spend a lifetime reading parenting books that never speak to your unique issue. Why? Because children are so wonderfully unique, with one-of-a-kind personalities, temperaments, and experiences which influence their daily actions. Advice that works for one family may not work for yours. Your coach objectively listens to your unique situation, draws from broad experience and child and family development background, and seeks to apply personalized advice and recommendations to custom-fit the needs and desires of your family.
Your challenges may range from sibling rivalry to discipline to power struggles to communication to morning routines. Whatever your seemingly hopeless circumstance, you can regain power in your family today and positively influence their future!
Your challenges may range from sibling rivalry to discipline to power struggles to communication to morning routines. Whatever your seemingly hopeless circumstance, you can regain power in your family today and positively influence their future!
Parent & family life coaching is not counseling.
Rather than delving into your family of origin, resolving past issues, and focusing on painful events, Parent & Family Life Coaching is a Solution-Focused Approach where the underlying emphasis is on solutions, not problems, and you will be guided in moving toward a greater future through realizations, goals, and practical steps for success in the home and in your life. Only you can do the hard work of making the right decisions and moving forward in life, but your coach will provide direction, accountability, and tailored recommendations based on your desires, personality, and ultimate values. The focus will be shifted from your deficits to your strengths and on the present and future, rather than the past. Ultimately, you are the expert, and your coach has the expertise to help you actively move toward solutions.